

How To Rank High In Google Places/Maps

Google my business also known as Google Places listings I run my own affiliate sites so outside of local SEO I do have my own affiliate sites that bring in monthly revenue and also i do lead generation websites which are local SEO sites that just generate leads and i will sell these leads to local clients so I’ve been in local SEO for a while now and I understand how Google works so google places or Google my business pretty much has all of these names over the years it’s changed its name several times but you have to think of all of these is just one so Google Places is now known as Google my business so whenever you hear somebody maybe you hear someone pitching it to you a local SEO like myself and I your business.

Unclaimed google maps are an unclaimed Google my business or Google Places these are all the same thing it’s it’s essentially you claiming your business or if your local SEO doing this for business owner you’re claiming the business for them the listing for them and you’re managing it all in one place so the benefits of having a google my places or Google my business excuse me I get the name still mixed up a Google my business listing is that a fat they rank a lot faster.

Than if you were trying to rank a website organically in the SEO search results so let me show you what i mean so within this red square here as my little wonderful design you can see that i searched plumbing Boston Mass at the top in the search bar top left and you can see that it shows three separate area so let me exit out here and i can show you guys with my mouse so this is an advertisement these three listings Boston Mass plumber plumber now one and roto-rooter plumbers so you can see the little yellow add listing next to it you have to pay for these three clicks oh this is known as Google Adwords or pay-per-click and that’s the same with these on the side it says ads right here so it continues down so it runs anywhere from a few pennies to lots of money even up to a hundred dollars per click for certain niches so that can get really expensive the second thing we see is the Google my business listing or the seven pack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and you can see more if you want but it we call the seven pack because it is a pack of 7 results and it shows on the name of the company the reviews.

Google+ page and their address and then we have the organic results which is what I was talking about which it takes a long time to rank in so our ranking in the seven pack is much faster than ranking organically and that’s down here these are no these are not ads and they’re also not a seven pack they’re just known as organic results they definitely out like i said our lock keeper than PPC you know it’s free to register and clean your listing and show you guys how to do that i’m gonna show you how to do it for business owner if you do our local SEO providing services because there’s a couple situations that can get messy maybe they’ve claimed that already etc we’ll get more into that but the higher the click-through rate it’s it’s better it does have a higher click-through rate because as you can see it has these reviews so obviously if you have better reviews it’s going to be clicked on more and also just sticks out a lot more on the page it’s a proven to have a clock higher click-through rate and then higher conversions to or on it has a call to action built into it as you can see it has this you know listing ABCD.

And it’s on the map so it has a call to action on this search engine result page but when you click in there you can if you’re on mobile you can even click and call the number which is great so it’s a very strong call to action there’s definitely a lot of benefits if your local SEO doing this for your client or your business owner and you want to do this for yourself it’s it’s really incredible so creating more cleaning your page the first thing you’re going to do is go to google.com / business and i’m going to explain the three options they give to you so let’s go over there real quick my district in google.com / business and it redirected me to hear so we have the option of a storefront a service area and a brand so a storefront would be like a restaurant or retail store a hotel really a location that is static and not moving it can have multiple locations so if your franchise i can show you how to do that the second is a service area which would be a plumber pizza delivery a taxi service you are going to the customer now you can have a storefront and also go to the customer and i’ll show you guys how to do that it can be a combination of the two but just keep this in mind that you know you’re starting from here then you have the brand which is like a product or sports team or music band may be a cause or an organization but since we’re doing local SEO most you guys are going to be doing a storefront or a service area so explain that a little bit here and this is what i want to explain a little more we when I was saying business situations so there’s a couple situations that you have when you go to claim a listing and the ones that I see the most are someone else already owns the listing so maybe you claimed it when you first open your business or if you are a local SEO.


SEO for 2017

Google is the main search engine on the internet so when iris is the most traffic so when you are focusing on SEO you should always think about Google and also why do you actually want to get more traffic from Google well one is completely free so you don’t go for it too if you know what you’re doing you can get highly targeted traffic i’m talking about people that are really interested in the content that you have inside of your website and the third reason is if you get more traffic coming from google you can also do a lot more money on the internet so in this video I’m going to talk about SEO buckle up your seat belt and let’s get started it’s the first question is what is SEO well as he has nothing more than your optimizing your own website so you can achieve better results instead of google search engine for the search term that you’re targeting and a search term is basically anything that you go to google and he taken inside of this small search box because you want to find relevant websites to that topic so you can read more information about that topic so for example let’s say that I wanted to make some chocolate chip cookies.

I wanted to find some really amazing recipes related to that so what I would do was I would go over here and i would write something like best chocolate chip cookie recipe and this over here is exactly what is her sister miss you can also call it a keyword now once that breast google search you can see that I’m really get a listing of 10 website pages related to best shop best chocolate chip cookie recipe now let’s say that under person is trying to find more information about this and you are the person who has a website page will let it to best chocolate chip cookie recipe what you would want to accomplish through SEO it was you would want the West set page appearing on the first page of results which is this one for best chocolate chip cookie recipe and the reason why you would want to accomplish that is because this first page of results this website is over here are the ones that are receiving the most visitors because as you can see below you have several pages are related to the same topic but quite honestly it’s very rare for anyone to actually get to the second or two third page and very less to the first page of results so what most people do is they search for something that’s the best chocolate chip cookie recipe and they stick on this first page of results and they go to one of this website said they can see over here and most commonly what they do is they search for something and they immediately go to the three first web sites that they can see on this listing and I bet that this first website that you can see on this listing.

First website over here is certainly the one that is receiving the most visitors from all of the websites appearing on this listing so that’s exactly what you’re trying to accomplish when it comes to SEO you want your website to rank well on this listing so you can get more and more visitors so you want to at least try to rank on the first page of results for any search term or and if possible on the three first positions of this listing because those are the websites that will receive the most traffic from them all and when it comes to SEO there are two parts to it you have on page SEO and on page SEO is basically anything that you can do in set up a website so you can achieve better results inside of Google search engine and then you have off page SEO which is basically everything that you do.

Outsider for website so you can achieve better results in google search engine so let’s start by talking about on page SEO for you to in there then why I need to do SEO when it comes to your website the first thing that you need to understand is how exactly does google search engine actually works and over here in front of you you have a very basic image explaining exactly that it’s important to notice it’s not humans suffer from all of this work it’s not even that go from one website page to another analyze all of their content and see exactly where that website page needs to appear in Santa Google’s listing because that would be very time-consuming would be very monotonous because every single day new websites are appearing other websites are updating their content publishing new content so it would be nearly impossible for people to perform all of that work what we have is robots or you can also call them crawlers this our programs made by google and basically what they do is they go from one website they are analyzed their content see exactly what that website page talks about and based on all the time information they gather they know exactly where that website page needs to appear inside of Google’s listing and afterwards they were from the same action they jump to another website page or from the same action analyze their content and do exactly the same thing so let’s imagine that this is one of your website pages.

What happens is a crawler crawler goes to one of your website pages sees the keywords that you have inside of the website page and as I said the key word is nothing more than a search term and based on those p words they know exactly what that website page talks about and also based on the words that you have inside of that page because if you are if that page you in that page you are talking about a specific niche that many times you use words that belong to the niche and based on all of the information those robust know exactly what that page talks about and we’re in the superior instead of google listing afterwards what happens is they follow the links that you have inside of the website page and many times this may be a link to another website page that you have inside of her sight or for example if in that website page you have a link to eq pedia to another you can get to a computer page.

What happens is the robot will follow that link it will go to the wikipedia page and basically performed the same action of analyzing that page content and see exactly what a talks about so basically that’s what the robots do and they perform the same action over and over again and basically navigate throughout the web just trying to find new content so they can index it instead of google listings on page SEO has changed a lot for LT years and by this i mean in the past all that you needed to do to get a good ranking on Google was basically spent your keywords throughout your website several times and fortunately things have changed a lot since Ted and you shouldn’t do that because if you just by Merrick you were everywhere possible instead of your website you will actually get penalized by google nowadays it’s more important about thinking about user experience.


Wordpress SEO 3 Tips to Rank

How to do search engine optimization or SEO for your business now SEO has changed a lot and it’s going to continue to change but there are some basic principles that can be that will be valuable to you no matter out what stage in the game you’re watching this whether it’s today or a year from today so here are the three things that we’re going to cover today number one you’ve got to be creating great content all the time regularly your website can never just sit you’re going to need to optimize that content using the wordpress SEO plugin called Yost and you’re going to want to go and download that right away third create an XML sitemap using the Yoast plug-in and send it to the search engines so that they recrawl your site this will help you to rank for those new pages immediately and put more content.

Installed Yoast plug-in for SEO and i can tell because I’ve got these SEO fields right here but I’ve also got a series of green gray red and I might even have some orange dots in here somewhere which basically means have not been optimized poorly optimized ready to optimize. There’s an orange button or yellow button that says kind of like middle of the road could use some more work so what I’m gonna do is I’m going to pick a page it’s not optimized how about my about us page and i’m going to go in here you can see I’ve already written the content here and i’m going to scroll down to the word pressed by Yoast field section down here and then I’m going to start to optimize the page by first focusing on a main keyword which would be video marketing companies and it’s going to run a test for me to find out where I’m optimized so now I need to know now.

I know that i need to add the keyword in the article heading the page title the page URL and so forth so i’m going to go ahead and get those things done right now ok now you can see that we’ve got some changes here we’ve got all the key at the keywords found where they need to be it says no right here but the key word is in the article heading so i’m not sure why that’s not working but overall you can see that we have a good check on our SEO so my goal now would be to optimize for more pages so that you have a total of five and then you can move on to your next step and xml sitemap is a file that helps Google to understand your web site structure a little bit more effectively and it makes it more crawlable and searchable for the search engines so let’s go back to my computer and take a look at what that looks like ok so we’re back in the website.

Here in the back and you can see that our about Us page has been properly optimized so now we’re gonna go to the left hand side of the screen and we’re going to scroll down to where it says SEO and we’re going to click on xml sitemaps and what we’re going to do here is generate a site map and send it for to google and that is going to recrawl the site automatically so we’re going to go up here this is really easy check this box to enable xml sitemap functionality you can retrieve your site map here which is need to kind of look at because you can see if you’ve got any dead links and things like that now what.

I have here is some general settings it’s automatically going to paint google and being but it’s not going to pay yahoo and asked , unless you click these buttons which I’ve done I am excluding a variety of my post types because i don’t want things like my images to pop up or pages that i don’t have content for like my faq for my news right these are features of my theme that I don’t need google crawling because it’s going to make me I don’t want somebody stumbling on those pages similarly I want to exclude these taxonomy is right.

I don’t want people finding my categories page or my tags page and and things like this you may opt out of that i’m not going to do that i’m going to save changes and boom it’s done it’s saved my xml sitemap and it’s automatically ping to Google and being so now Google’s going to crawl my side and they’re going to see my new pages with my new optimization and that’s going to help those pages rank faster whoa so we did a lot of stuff here today and they were really breaking down into three simple steps which is creating optimized pages this is a process that has to be going on throughout the course of your website you know build five new pages a month for example then create an XML sitemap.


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Advantage of Professional SEO tools & VPS

How to use VPS to your advantage

Professional SEO tools is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand. SEO isn’t just about building search engine-friendly websites.

It’s about making your site better for people too. And we believe these principles go hand-in-hand. SEO has become widely accepted and adopted as an online marketing strategy because of its effectiveness. While the benefits of Professional SEO tools  are of vast and reliable to many all kinds of accesses and resources like increased traffic, cost effectiveness, increased site usability, and even brand awareness. Plus, once your website grows, you can easily upgrade your Professional SEO tools  to a more powerful one in just a matter of minute.

What is Professional SEO tools marketing advantage?

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Why choose Professional SEO tools ?

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Professional SEO tools is very cheap. A beginner VPS offers per hour rates as low as $0.005 per hour, which only amounts 4$ per month. VPS are flexible and perform better which beats Shared Hosting.Buying a VPS gives you unrestricted root access, dedicated server, ample resources and complete isolation leaving you tension free when it comes to space and performance. You have a guaranteed allotment of system resources that only you have access to. Think of it like one big computer, running lots of little computers inside of it or websites with co-websites and blogs link to it. This means that provided you don’t overload your VPS, and your website will perform much better.

Do you want to host a website?

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Why would you choose us?

Simple because we value your investment and put importance to the trust we gained. We implement sets a new standard for performance, reliability and the capability is much more potential especially when observed under particular conditions. With an Professional SEO tools  you get full root access, complete control, ample resources, 24/7 technical support, high performance, greater data protection, blazing fast load time, dedicated and diversified IPs, a complete control panel to manage all your websites and a high quality server hardware that provides you more power and better performance.


Cheap VPS with great technical support

Cheap VPS focuses not only on your significant traffic increase but also on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and descriptions. Having your website in top positions on the result pages it means to more exposure for your website. The more your site dominates the search engine, the more chances you have for users to see your content and associate with your product.

Cheap VPS is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand.

Cheap VPS SEO isn’t just about building search engine-friendly websites. It’s about making your site better for people too. And we believe these principles go hand-in-hand. A Cheap VPS functions just like a server, a dedicated server but at an affordable price that costs 5$- 50$ per month. It will do cost you more than expected but the benefits it will surely give you are a lot unexpected. Buying a VPS gives you unrestricted root access, dedicated server, ample resources and complete isolation leaving you tension free when it comes to space and performance.

You have a guaranteed allotment of system resources that only you have access to. Think of it like one big computer, running lots of little computers inside of it or websites with co-websites and blogs link to it. This means that provided you don’t overload your VPS, and your website will perform much better.

Cheap VPS SEO has become widely accepted and adopted as an online marketing strategy because of its effectiveness. While the benefits of SEO are of vast and reliable to many all kinds of accesses and resources like increased traffic, cost effectiveness, increased site usability, and even brand awareness. Plus, once your website grows, you can easily upgrade your Cheap VPS SEO to a more powerful one in just a matter of minute.

We offer the service with the variation of speed with our Modern equipments with up-to-date hardware and software, you will experience the fastest website and that will affects dramatically boosting your SEO rankings which will significant traffic which attracts more customer with to your products.

Websites hosted on servers that are not only protected but also invulnerable to attacks by spammers. This may not sound important but there are ‘spiders’ crawling the web looking for unsecure servers. Once they find one, they will hack into your website and run malicious scripts that will either redirect the users to a spammy website or add links to your pages pointing to other websites with the help of our security system we are able to have a safe website which is hack-free.

With Technical Support which is available 24/7 in your convenience.


Why should you use our senuke xcr vps

Senuke XCR VPS SEO Contribution for your Marketing strategy

Our Senuke XCR VPS SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand.


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Senuke XCR VPS is the simplest of shared hosting. After we look rigorously at the hosting service, they’re priced very little above the shared servers and supply facilities sort of a dedicated hosting server. A VPS hosting services is best to realize the specified outcome in online selling. Choosing our company, it’s vital that you just inquire on what are the assorted differing kinds of servers that we offered for the service that you need. One current style of hosting resolution that’s terribly helpful and has seen a lot of improvement is that the utilization of our VPS SEO hosting is such of SEO host VPS, options like that dedicated server are being provided.
Our Senuke XCR VPS is an integral a part of your business, because the host has the potential to maximize or drown the scopes of the online promoting and whole promotions of it. Hosting service area unit the simplest solutions for shoppers that need complete management and suppleness of a passionate server however not able to afford the high prices of the dedicated servers at the value of a shared server.

5 Benefits of using our SENuke XCR VPS:

  1. You will save the SEnuke XCr License costs.
  2. Your campaigns are running 24/7 even if you are disconnected.
  3. Cheapest compared to the other providers.
  4. You will have a set of professional seo tools to promote your website.
  5. Faster server with 1 Gbit network speed.

VPS instant activation for beginners

The best VPS instant activation

VPS instant activation the best VPS in 2016. Have you ever think about new strategy about your approach in your own business. SEO strategy is a lot more of help in constructing websites. VPS instant activation focuses not only on your significant traffic increase but also on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and descriptions. Having your website in top positions on the result pages it means to more exposure for your website. The more your site dominates the search engine, the more chances you have for users to see your content and associate with your product.

let’s start by defining what VPS instant activation really is.VPS SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand. SEO isn’t just about building search engine-friendly websites. It’s about making your site better for people too. And we believe these principles go hand-in-hand.

A VPS functions just like a server, a dedicate server but at an affordable price that costs $10 vps hosting. It will do cost you more than expected but the benefits it will surely give you are a lot unexpected. Buying a VPS gives you unrestricted root access, dedicated server, ample resources and complete isolation leaving you tension free when it comes to space and performance. You have a guaranteed allotment of system resources that only you have access to. Think of it like one big computer, running lots of little computers inside of it or websites with co-websites and blogs link to it. This means that provided you don’t overload your VPS, and your website will perform much better.

VPS instant activation has become widely accepted and adopted as an online marketing strategy because of its effectiveness. While the benefits of SEO are of vast and reliable to many all kinds of accesses and resources like increased traffic, cost effectiveness, increased site usability, and even brand awareness. Plus, once your website grows, you can easily upgrade your SEO VPS to a more powerful one in just a matter of minute.

Why would you choose us?

Simple because we value your investment and put importance to the trust we gained. We implement sets a new standard for performance, reliability and the capability is much more potential especially when observed under particular conditions. With an SEO VPS you get full root access, complete control, ample resources, 24/7 technical support, high performance, greater data protection, blazing fast load time, dedicated and diversified IPs, a complete control panel to manage all your websites and a high quality server hardware that provides you more power and better performance.